4. Please send me your report about the complaints from the public in relation to your Equality and Diversity Scheme, including any change or action that may have been taken place in the Council's policies, activities, services as the result of these complaints.
5. Please send me the reports about the implementation of your Equality and Diversity Scheme for the last three years.
6.Please send me your annual workforce profile report that provides breakdowns of the workforce profile by gender, ethnicity, religion, disability and age and other additional data required by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
7.What strategy to increase the proportion of black people personnel if it is under-represented in your workforce ?
Sent: 02 October 2012 08:46
To: Information Officer
Subject: FOI request related to: Other/don't know
A Freedom of Information submission has been received from the website.
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Subject: Other/don't knowI would like to have more information about the following. Please ignore my previous request sent yesterday evening because it confusing. Here is the updated version of my request. I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience:
1. Please send me the information about the nature and description of Waltham Forest Council contracts awarded to Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) businesses in the current year and last three years, including the support provided to BME businesses to win Waltham Forest Council Contracts.
2. Please send me the information about the funding allocation and grants to BME voluntary organisations working or based in the London Borough of Waltham Forest ( for the current year and last three years), and indicate the proportion of this funding allocation in relation to all voluntary organisations working or based in the borough .
3. Please send me the information about proportion of BME staff employed by the Council, especially in the management positions.
4. Please send me your report about the complaints from the public in relation to your Equality and Diversity Scheme, including any change or action that may have been taken place in the Council's policies, activities, services as the result of these complaints.
5. Please send me the reports about the implementation of your Equality and Diversity Scheme for the last three years.
6.Please send me your annual workforce profile report that provides breakdowns of the workforce profile by gender, ethnicity, religion, disability and age and other additional data required by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
What concrete actions being undertaken by the Council to increase its ethnic diversity for example:
• Attraction strategy, talent management and mentoring progra mmes.
• Analysing the workforce profile to explore the reasons for underrepresentation.
• Reviewing ethnicity targets for the Council .
• Comparing the Council's top 5% of ethnic minority earners, (for Council departments) against other local authorities.
• Involvement of Black and Minority Ethnic Communities in the Council decision-making process and service delivery.
• Equalities consultations ( e.g. consulting with range of people from different backgrounds and cultures about different diversity and equality issues relevant to them.
• Diversity and Community Cohesion Board/ Committees/Steering Group.
• Contracting and commissioning ( Equalities and diversity as an important part of the council's procurement process with equality and diversity requirements in all tender documents (contract monitoring system that includes routine equality reporting).
• Promoting Equality and Diversity across all our services . Oth er actions in relation to Equalities monitoring, engagement and implementation
7.What strategy to increase the proportion of black people personnel if it is under-represented in your workforce ?
Note: Please send me the information with my original copy of the freedom of information request.
Posted by: "Diversity Living Services" <INFO.DIVERSITY@DIVERSITYLIVING.ORG.UK>
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