August 2015 Dear colleague, Welcome to the August 2015 edition of our regular health ebulletin bringing you news from LVSC, Regional Voices (of which LVSC is a constituent member), the Department of Health, Public Health England, Care Quality Commission and NHS England. Where relevant, the ebulletins may include information from London's voluntary & community sector (VCS) as well as regional policy news - e.g. from the Greater London Authority, NHS England (London region), London senate, etc. We also intend to keep you up to date on the government's Five Year Forward View, including the vanguards in London. If you wish to discuss any items to be included in future bulletins, please feel free to contact me. Sandra Sandra van der Feen Policy Officer, LVSC Mondays - Wednesdays only LVSC newsLVSC health work updateI have recently met with the engagement and development managers at South East Commissioning Support Unit (SECSU) as well as London Senate and the London Strategic Clinical Network leads. The aim of the meetings were to identify ways to encourage engagement between commissioners, the CSUs, the senate, clinical strategic networks and the voluntary, community & social enterprise sector (VCSE) to promote co-production in service re-design. I hope this will lead to the development of some good practice case studies. In the long run, these could be utilised to bring together commissioners and the VCSE through master classes or workshops. We will also share information in future bulletins to promote regional engagement between commissioners and the VCSE. I am currently developing a case study in partnership with Kensington & Chelsea Social Council and CWL Healthwatch looking at co-production between the CCG, patient forum, Healthwatch and KCSC re their Whole Systems Change integrated care programme. The case study will be completed and published early autumn. I have also started work on developing a London wide social prescribing map with links to local social prescribing programmes. I will be speaking to the lead people in each area but more information will follow in September. Watch this space… In the meantime, if you would like your area featured, do let me know! In the meantime see Dr. Everington of Bromley-by-Bow's blog on what social prescribing means for GPs. For more information contact me, Sandra van der Feen: Return to top Who's Who for London updateEach of the regional networks that comprise Regional Voices including LVSC, have produced a "Who's Who" guide to key people working in health, wellbeing and care in each region. The guides include relevant people from clinical commissioning groups, health and wellbeing boards, CQC, NHS England area teams, commissioning support units and local Healthwatch. The most regularly updated version of the guide is available here. Please help us keep this guide up to date by notifying us of any changes, gaps or corrections. Thanks to everyone who has provided me with changes, including from NHS England, London region. The guide now includes all contacts from the Healthy London Partnership. Return to top London wide newsLondon Borough Grants Scheme – Consultation on its FutureLondon Councils have launched a review of The London Borough Grants Scheme, the programme through which it commissions our London for All capacity building project and 34 other pan-London initiatives and for the first time asks whether or not the scheme should continue. The consultation is primarily online but written submissions following focus groups or other consultation methods will be accepted. LVSC will be submitting its own response but we encourage everyone to submit their own – we cannot emphasise how important it is that as many organisations as possible respond to the consultation. The link for the consultation. The deadline for responses is Friday 2 October 2015. Return to top National /regional news Urgent and emergency care – new approaches to improve the coordination of services and reduce pressure on A&E departmentsThe first eight urgent and emergency care vanguards have been announced by NHS England to spearhead new integrated models of delivery. NHS England said the new systems would launch the transformation of urgent and emergency care for more than 9m people. The new models will see care delivered by GPs, pharmacists, community teams, ambulance services, NHS 111, and social care. For more information on the London emergency care vanguard see below. The announcement is the latest implementation of the urgent care review led by NHS England's medical director professor Sir Bruce Keogh and the NHS in England's Five Year Forward View plan to reshape care delivery. In March, 29 new care model vanguards were announced including GP-centred multispecialty community providers (MCPs) and vertically integrated primary and acute systems (PACS). In London these are located in Sutton and Tower Hamlets (see our previous LVSC health ebulletin for more information). Sandra van der Feen, LVSC will be meeting with the Sutton and Tower Hamlets vanguard leads at the end of September. The London emergency care vanguard: Barking and Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge System Resilience Group Barking and Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge System Resilience Group (SRG) aims to create a simplified, streamlined urgent care system delivering intelligent, responsive urgent care for 750,000 residents in the most challenged health economy in the country. The SRG believes there is a need to do things differently and that patients are confused by the many and various urgent and emergency care services available to them – A&E, walk-in centre, urgent care centre, GPs, pharmacists, out of hours services. Becoming a UEC Vanguard will support the SRG in its ambition to streamline these points of access to just three – supported by a smart digital platform that will recognise patients and personalise the help they get as soon as they get in contact. This involves: - 'Click' – online support and information – will help people to self-care and book urgent appointments when needed.
- 'Call' – telephone for those who need more advice, reassurance or to book-in.
- 'Come in' – where patients really need emergency care – the front door of the hospital will become our new ambulatory care centres.
More information can also be found here See also NHS England vanguard support package Link to the Involve, Yorkshire & Humber's "Vanguard & new models of care" briefing Return to top National news REMINDER - Consultations to shape voluntary, community and social enterprise sector involvement in health and social careThe VCSE review advisory group have recently released two consultations. - The first consultation asks for views from the voluntary sector and from those working in health and social care on the current state of investment, partnership working, and how closer collaboration could be fostered. Link here including link to the online consultation
- The second consultation asks for views on the role and effectiveness of the government's current 'Voluntary Sector Investment Programme' suite of grants. Link here including the link to the consultation survey
To view the advisory group's interim report please go to the VCSE review website The consultations will help determine the future of voluntary sector involvement in health and social care; make sure your voice is heard and please share with your networks. The consultations are open until Friday 6 November. LVSC will respond to the first consultation and would welcome your input. You may find it useful to have a quick look at the questions to determine which are most relevant to your organisation. To help you with this, LVSC has copied and pasted the questions from the survey which can be downloaded here. The survey sections comprise: - Recognising the value of the sector and making the most of local assets
- How the sector is funded
- Commissioning
- VCSE Infrastructure/networks
- Demonstrating impact
- Promoting equality and addressing health inequality
- National investment in the VCSE sector
- Developing services and policies together
- Local partnerships
- Improving national relationships with the sector
In summary, you can respond to the first consultation in the following ways: - Respond directly via the online consultation survey (see bottom of page - you can respond to relevant sections for your organisation only)
- Select the relevant questions/sections you would like to respond to and respond to me, Sandra van der Feen, LVSC via email ( by Monday 2nd November
- Attend an online consultation webinar 10 September from 15.00 pm-15.45 pm. More information and registration
Return to top NHS Citizen
NHS Citizen is primarily a way people can have their say on health issues that matter to them. 'NHS Citizen Gather' was launched recently - the online discussion forum - which you can find here. The forum is its early stages but it's essentially a space where people can raise and respond to issues. Of the issues raised, some will be chosen by a citizens jury to go to the NHS Citizen Assembly Meeting in November, where citizens and senior NHS England leaders will work together to decide on what the NHS should do next. NHS Citizen is keen to hear from as many voices as possible so please spread the word across your members and networks. It can be on Gather, on social media (@nhscitizen / #nhscitizen) or NHScitizen on Facebook. Or people can email NHS Citizen at They can also come to existing events or join existing conversations. NHS Citizen is about listening to and joining up what is already happening. NHS Citizen is also able to offer members a complimentary pass to the upcoming NHS EXPO for those wishing to contribute to NHS Citizen sessions being held at EXPO. You can find out about these here. If you would like to take up this offer please contact Suggested Facebook text: There is new a project called NHS Citizen. Everyone is invited to a conversation on how we can work together to improve the NHS in England. NHS Citizen Gather is now open for comments, suggestions and questions about the NHS in England.Please join the discussion and spread the word. Suggested tweets: Have your say on the NHS in England! Ask questions, make suggestions, talk to others! Visit #nhscitizen now What do you want to talk to the most senior leaders of the NHS about? Join #NHSCitizen Gather now! Return to top NHS Standard Contract and Contract LightIn previous bulletins, we mentioned that Regional Voices are aware of many issues in commissioning the voluntary sector- one of which is the disproportionate nature of the NHS Standard Contract. Regional Voices and the wider Health and Care Voluntary Sector Strategic Partnership, have met with Simon Stevens, the head of NHS England, and have committed to supporting NHS England develop a lighter touch version of the NHS Standard Contract- more proportional and suitable for use with VCSE organisations. Regional Voices have also responded to consultations about the NHS Standard Contract with our intelligence of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) experiences. During 15/16 Regional Voices will work with NHS England to develop a "Standard Contract Light"- which is more proportionate for smaller VCSE organisations. Watch this space…. Return to top The NHS needs a transformation fundThe Health Foundation and King's Fund argue that now, more a new, comprehensive approach is needed to support and implement change. That is why the two leading think tanks are calling for a £1.5bn transformation fund. The King's Fund and the Health Foundation have spent the last nine months examining case studies of transformational change, from within the health sector and beyond, and capturing the experience of NHS organisations seeking to deliver the vision set out in the NHS five year forward view. They make the case for the need of a NHS dedicated transformation fund. This should be independent of the current regulatory and performance management system, transparent and publicly accountable, with clear measureable objectives. Its role should be to support investment in innovative new models of care and, when they have demonstrated their value, support the wide-scale spread of these models. This would include supporting investments beyond traditional NHS organisations - in social care, public health, charities and the private sector. More information can also be found on the Health Foundation website Return to top Opportunity to apply for a grant from NHS EnglandThe closing date to apply for funding is 12 noon on the 28th September 2015. Has your community or voluntary group been working to involve patients and the public in improving health care services? NHS England will be awarding a number of small grant awards to organisations who can tell the story of their patient and citizen involvement and engagement work in a creative and interesting way. Grants are available of up to £1,000 each. To find out more or make an application please visit the NHS England website. If you have any queries please contact us on Return to top Tell DoH about your experiences of transformative health technology innovation for patients – barriers and best practice
The Accelerated Access Review is particularly keen to reach charities with its request for case studies to support the Accelerated Access Review (the Review aims to speed up access to transformative health technology that can help change the lives of NHS patients. You can find out more here. This is the specific ask for case studies which DoH would really appreciate you promoting. And this blog from their patient champion adds a bit more background to the ask. Return to top Connecting with the wider public health workforce
The Centre for Workforce Intelligence and Royal Society for Public Health, supported by Public Health England, have recently published reports highlighting the importance of engaging the wider public health workforce to support improvement in population health. They have identified approximately 20 million people across England with the potential to be part of the wider workforce, encompassing 57 different occupation groups. The reports argue that the wider workforce could support a "radical upgrade in prevention", and they provide a number of recommendations to achieve this. More information:"Rethinking the Public Health Workforce" and "Understanding the Wider Public Health Workforce" Return to top Resources & information Integrated care – commissioning & contracting King's Fund reading list
A range of useful links to resources from the Kings Fund library about integrated care - contracting & commissioning Return to top Commissioning, influencing, funding & costing and collaboration resources
Following a series of recent health commercial masterclasses, led by NCVO (funded by the Cabinet Office), a range of useful resources have been made available. They include links to the PowerPoint presentation used at the events as well as flipchart notes. I have put them all together and they can be found here. Resource sections: - The health commissioning 'landscape'
- Influencing decision makers and commissioners
- Procurement and contracting
- Funding and costing
- Collaboration and consortia
- NCVO commercial masterclass (resources that accompany the main commercial masterclass series that this one-day event was derived from.)
- April-May health commissioning masterclass PowerPoint and flipchart notes
Return to top EventsUCLPartners Patient Experience Learning eventUCLPartners would like to invite you to the next UCLPartners patient experience learning event focused on making better use of patient and carer feedback. They would so appreciate it if you could also pass this invitation on to relevant others. Time and venue are: Tuesday 8th September, 3pm-5pm, Room 422 Roberts Building, University College London, WC1E 7JE. Patient experience is an ongoing high priority for UCLPartners trusts and much work is taking place to drive forward improvements. Resource for this work has been scattered and staff talk about wanting to do more to demonstrate impact and define focus, making better use of feedback. All Trusts are regularly collecting feedback data on patient experience but there is wide variety on how data is analysed and provided back to teams and staff. They have invited Gary Etheridge, Deputy Chief Nurse at Barking, Havering and Redbridge University NHS Trust, and Lisa Anderton, Head of Patient Experience at University College London Hospitals NHS FT, to speak about their tips, tricks and challenges. They'll also have one of the national patient insight team from NHS England join them to talk about their work to enable improvements in care through feedback. Please register via the EventBrite link here Patient experience staff across UCLPartners have mentioned feeling like they are swimming in data and are keen to "measure without duplication" and "ensure data collection is used meaningfully for improvement". They hope this event will begin to unpick this knotty issue and develop learning across the partnership. Return to top Health Innovation Network – South London – Experience Network, in partnership with Shaping Our LivesHIN states that in recent years they have got better at asking the people who matter most – service users and carers – what matters to them. However, all too often, there are groups and individuals that get left out of participation and co-design activities. This event will be a way to share and learn, across South London, to improve the way that diverse groups and those often excluded can be involved in improving service design and delivery more effectively. When and where? 14th October, 10am-3pm Robens Suite, 29th Floor, Guys Hospital Tower - Learn inclusive participation techniques from Shaping Our Lives – a user controlled network and think tank.
- Practical case studies from local Healthwatch.
- Including a key note from Peter Beresford, author of Beyond the Usual Suspects.
Secure your place now: Click here Return to top HEAR Human Rights and Equalities NetworkNew free half day training from HEAR to help make your services more accessible - Managing Accessibility in the Third Sector 23 September 2015 10.15 am-2.30pm (lunch and refreshments provided) with networking session until 3pm Centre for Accessible Environments Holyer House 20-21 Red Lion Court, EC4A 3EB This free training is being delivered through a collaboration between HEAR Human Rights and Equalities Network and the Centre for Accessible Environments, and hosted and facilitated by CAE. The session is valuable for managers and other staff in voluntary sector organisations who want to improve the accessibility of their services, including the built environment. Participants will learn about: - regulations and legislation relevant to physical access
- supports available for access auditing and capital costs
- access planning
- everyday improvements that are easy to achieve and cost little or
- nothing,
- yet make a big difference to service users.
Please arrive at 10:15 am for a 10:30 start. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Feel free to join until 3:00 pm to network with fellow attendees! Note: Eligible participants must represent a voluntary or community sector organisation based in Greater London. Only one person per organisation may apply. To book your place on this course, please complete the booking form Please contact if you have any additional questions or require more information about this course. Return to top |