Monday, 23 November 2015

[diversityliving] FOI Request - Haringey Council's Equality and Diversity in Practice [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Diversity Living Services included below]

Re: Freedom of Information Act Request ref: LBH/4743415


Thank you for your request for information received on 26 October 2015, in which you asked for the following information:


1. Please send me the Council's reports about the implementation of your Equality and Diversity Scheme for the last three years.


2. Please send me the information about the nature and description of Haringey Council's contracts awarded to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) businesses in the last there years, including the support provided to BAME businesses to win Barnet Council's contracts. Please send me your report about the action undertaken by the Council to minimise the disadvantages usually experienced by BAME small organisations and business in competing for Haringey's contracts.


3. Please send me the information about the proportion of BAME staff employed by the Council, especially in the management positions.


4. Please send me the report that you may have showing the breakdown of Black people and other BAME residents who have applied for jobs within the London Borough of Haringey  including the rates of applicants invited for interviews and the pass rates of the interviews by Black and BAME  applicants.


5. Engagement and Participation: Please send me any report that you may have in relation to the Council's engagement with BAME people and organisations based or serving London the Borough of  Haringey. We are interested in the Council's engagement work undertaken directly with BAME people and organisations. Please send me the information about the level of participation of BAME people and organisations in the Council's consultations.  Please let us know how you know BAME residents? needs and priorities to inform your service delivery framework.


6. Please also send me the information about the rate of unemployment from Black and other BAME people residents of LBH and the information about the Council 's support  to unemployed BAME people in accessing the labour market.


My response is as follows:


1. The Council published its annual report on the implementation of its equality scheme for 2012/13 and 2013/14. From 2013 our equalities objectives were embedded within the Council's Corporate plan and progress reported through the regular performance reporting on this plan.


The Council's current Corporate Plan is a 3 year plan and runs from 2015-18. It includes a cross-cutting theme of a Fair and Equal Borough which covers our equality and diversity objectives over the lifetime of the plan.


I have attempted to attach the following files:

·         Corporate Equality annual report 2012-13

·         Equality objectives progress update 2013/14 – see pages 11-14

·         The Council's Corporate Plan 2013/14-14/15

·         Example quarterly performance reports from 2013/14 and 2014/15

·         The Council's current Corporate Plan 2015-18


However, they are undeliverable due to their size. I will attempt to send the attachments separately.


All performance reports and the Council's current performance management reporting can be found on the Haringey website:


2. Procurement does not hold information on contracts awarded to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people.


3. The Council produces a quarterly Equalities Scorecard giving a profile of the council's workforce. A copy of the Scorecard can be found on the council's website -


4. The Scorecard also gives details of recruitment in terms of applicants and new starters across the council, categorised by age, disability and race, we don't keep data for all shortlisted candidates separately. The recruitment data that is captured is for all applicants regardless of whether or not they are residents of the borough.


5. There is no specific report relating to engagement with BAME people and organisations. A monitoring form is included as part of consultation activity, where relevant and appropriate, to monitor participation for different groups. However, we are not currently collating this information centrally. The Council works closely with its Voluntary and Community Sector partner HAVCO to identify key voluntary and community organisations, including those representing BAME groups. The Council also keeps a database of key groups that represent different communities in the borough. Services should complete a stakeholder map of key community groups as part of the consultation process and these groups are notified of upcoming consultations.


The needs and priorities of BAME residents inform our service delivery framework in two ways:

·         Business intelligence data includes local and national data which highlights needs and priorities for different groups of residents – including BAME groups - and helps to inform the Council's overall corporate objectives and service planning

·         The Equalities Impact Assessment process requires services to consider the needs of different groups when planning service provision. The results of consultation with service users is expected to inform the EqIA and is formally recorded within EqIA documents.   


6. Labour market data of this nature are in the public domain and can be accessed from the following link:


By way of summary, below are two tables showing ethnic minority employment and unemployment rates:


Employment rates



July 2011-June 2012

July 2012-June 2013

July 2013-June 2014

July 2014-June 2015

Haringey – all people aged 16-64





Haringey – ethnic minorities aged 16-64





London – all people aged 16-64





London – ethnic minorities aged 16-64





England – all people aged 16-64





England – ethnic minorities aged 16-64





Source: Annual Population Survey



Unemployment rates



July 2011-June 2012

July 2012-June 2013

July 2013-June 2014

July 2014-June 2015

Haringey – all people aged 16+





Haringey – ethnic minorities aged 16+





London – all people aged 16+





London – ethnic minorities aged 16+





England – all people aged 16+





England – ethnic minorities aged 16+





Source: Annual Population Survey


Haringey Council has an employment service, the Haringey Employment and Skills Team (HEST), that offers support to unemployed and economically inactive residents seeking work.  At least 50% of the people HEST works with will be from an ethnic minority background.   More information about HEST can be accessed from the link below:


Also, the Council has launched an apprenticeship scheme offering opportunities (with the Council and other employers) to local people, including people from ethnic minority groups.  More information about the scheme and the opportunities currently available can be accessed from the link below:


In addition, the Council has also been successful in managing and delivering employment programmes that support people from an ethnic minority background.  To illustrate this point, below is data from a European Social Fund programme that Haringey Council managed (and partly delivered) across Enfield, Haringey and Waltham Forest from June 2012 to September 2014:




Ethnic Minorities



1,022 (71%)

Job start


427 (71%)

Sustained job (26 weeks)


279 (74%)

Conversion rate (sustained jobs as a percentage of registrations)






Feedback and Information Team

River Park House

225 High Road

N22 8HQ

T 020 8489 1988



Haringey Council

River Park House, 225 High Road, London N22 8HQ


T. 020 8489 2576








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Monday, 16 November 2015

LVSC health update: Oct-Nov 2015

November 2015

Dear colleague,

Welcome to the October - November 2015 edition of our regular health ebulletin bringing you news from LVSC, Regional Voices (of which LVSC is a constituent member), the Department of Health, Public Health England, NHS England and Care Quality Commission.

Ebulletins may include information from London's voluntary & community sector (VCS) as well as regional policy news - e.g. from the Greater London Authority, NHS England (London region), London Senate, etc.

We also intend to keep you up to date on the government's Five Year Forward View, including the vanguards in London.

If you wish to discuss any items to be included in future bulletins, please feel free to contact me.

Warmest wishes,


Sandra van der Feen

Policy Officer, LVSC

Mondays - Wednesdays only


LVSC news

LVSC health work update

LVSC has responded to the VCSE Review (see below). I have also produced a VCSE review related blog which can be read on the VCSE review website - see also below.

Our co-production in integrated care case study produced in partnership with Chelsea & Kensington & Chelsea Social Council and Healthwatch Central West London has been published (see below). It has been shared with NCVO colleagues who are leading on the VCSE review consultation.

This week, I will start work on our social prescribing map for London. This will be an ongoing piece of work and therefore not a complete map when published later in December. We are aware of a number of social prescribing models in London already, including Bromley by Bow (Tower Hamlets), Southwark, Redbridge, Bexley but please get in touch if you know of others that could be included. The London map will comprise links to the individual social prescribers with a page on each with information we will obtain through a short survey and links to key website pages. Please contact me for more information, should you want to find to find out more.

This week, I will be meeting the Office of London CCGs with the aim to better support regional engagement between commissioners, the VCSE sector and the people it supports.

I have held a useful telephone conversation with the Sutton Care Homes vanguard leads. In due course I will produce a case study about how they operate and work in partnership, including with the VCSE. For now, I have drawn up a short document about the vanguards in London including links to some of their work areas and publications. It also describes LVSC's role in relation to the vanguards including our future plans to promote good practice.

For more information please feel free to contact me:

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LVSC news

Co- producing in integrated care case study

The case study looks at the benefits, barriers, challenges and potential solutions around co-production in integrated care in North West London. Effective co-production as well as CCGs commissioning of VCS led preventative services could ultimately lead to better outcomes for patients and service users and save scarce NHS resources.  The case study was carried out in partnership between LVSC, Kensington & Chelsea Social Council (KCSC) and Healthwatch Central West London (CWL).

Healthwatch CWL helped the West London CCG (WLCCG) set up its engagement structure including the Patient Participation Groups and the Patient Reference Group. Then, as part of its integrated care programme, WLCCG started to develop Whole Systems Integrated Care (WSIC) with the aim of co-producing better outcomes and experience with and for patients. KCSC and Healthwatch CWL were keen to be involved in a co-production model to inform the development of this. WLCCG commissioned Healthwatch CWL and KCSC to conduct the patient and voluntary sector engagement part of the work. KCSC also conducted a survey amongst their members on the subject of unit costs set against WSIC outcomes to see whether there may be potential for VCS commissioning opportunities within WSIC in the future.

We have also produced a summary version which can be downloaded here

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LVSC's responses to the VCSE review and our blog

Our blog  on the role of the VCSE in co-producing new models of health and care can be read here

  1. VCSE review: LVSC response to the discussion paper on the challenges & solutions to better investment with the VCSE sector
  2. LVSC response with hyperlinks
  3. VCSE Review: LVSC response to the discussion paper on the voluntary sector Investment programme

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LVSC survey about Care Quality Commission (CQC) engagement with the VCSE sector

Can you help us build a better picture of health & care organisations in the VCSE sector to enable CQC better regulate, monitor and regulate high quality care? If so please complete the short survey below.

Link to the survey
Closing date 30th November 2015

Nationally, CQC is working with Regional Voices (of which LVSC is a constituent partner) in the delivery of their public engagement strategy 2015-16, specifically, the testing of new approaches to achieve their ambition of developing regional relationships and information sharing with the voluntary and community sector.

Partnerships are vital to CQC in their role of monitoring, inspecting and regulating health and social care services. Through partnerships of many types, CQC is better able to make sure fundamental standards of quality and safety are met through the exchange of information and the sharing of people's experiences (especially those unable to speak out).

As part of the process of developing new approaches, we are inviting you to help us build a better picture of health & care organisations in the VCSE sector in London by completing a short survey. We want to gauge your views as you share a similar agenda making sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate and high-quality care.

We welcome your involvement by inviting you to complete this survey yourself and by sharing it widely with organisations and groups within your own networks.

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Can you also support us by promoting CQC at your events and / or AGMs?

Are you a local, sub regional or regional voluntary, community & social enterprise (VCSE) sector organisation? Can you help us share information about the Care Quality Commission?

CQC would like to better engage with the VCSE. You may have seen our recent mailing outlining CQC's engagement plan as well as our short survey above. We anticipate that the engagement plan and feedback from the Regional Voices' network partners will enable CQC better engage with the sector in the future. Furthermore, you could also help raise awareness amongst the organisations / groups or service users you support by making a brief statement about CQC at any up and coming events or AGMs. If you would like a short description that could be read out at your events, please contact Sandra van der Feen at LVSC.

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London news

Health Inequalities in London

This report by Public Health England summarises the importance of health inequality, the economic case for investment and descriptive analysis of health inequalities in London. Its purpose is to describe the importance of health inequalities; describe the economic case for investing in health inequalities and provide a descriptive analysis of health inequalities in London.

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Better health for London: one year on

The partners of the London Health Board have just published, Better Health for London: One Year On. The report shows the progress being made by the partners and other organisations across London that are working together to improve health and health care across London. It describes what has been achieved against the ten ambitions for London's health set out by the London Health Commission.

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Graphs showing dramatic changes in the most deprived areas in London

The University of Sheffield has put together very interesting graphs showing quite dramatic changes in the most deprived areas in London from 2014-2020 (contrast with the rest of the country which didn't change much).
Link to maps 

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Growing Health Champions visit Bromley by Bow Centre – social prescribing in practice

Growing Health Champions recently visited the centre and gained more insight to the Bromley By Bow Social Prescribing model and the horticultural activities that they have in place.  You could also have a look at the Bromley by Bow website where you will find a number of useful documents pertaining to policy initiatives and developing & sharing good practice. Further to the discussion around practically implementing social prescribing within projects, you may be interested in the Social Prescribing seminars that they organise at the Centre.

See also LVSC's future social prescribing map in the LVSC health work update above.

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National news

Is Britain fairer?

The Equality and Human Rights Commission have launched Is Britain fairer?, the biggest review to date of Britain's progress to date towards equality and human rights.

The report looks at various areas of life, including education, health, security, employment, standard of living, participation, influence and voice. Whilst there have been improvements, inequalities have widened in a number of areas. Some of the health challenges include:

  • Self-reported health status for some people with specific characteristics (for example, Gypsies and Travellers and disabled people) was worse (in the 2011 Census)
  • Lower life expectancy for people with serious mental illness or a learning disability, Gypsies and Travellers and homeless people
  • Worse end of life outcomes for people in more disadvantaged socioeconomic positions
  • Increased risk of poor mental health among adults in England, with high risk for people identifying as gay/lesbian/bisexual/other
  • Black/African/Caribbean/Black British people had the highest rate of contact with specialist mental health services.

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Gearing up for one of the most fundamental changes in NHS history

Sir Bruce Keogh has outlined an emerging strategy for Personalised Medicine in the NHS. NHS England's National Medical Director said it would involve moving away a from a 'one size fits all' approach to the treatment and care of patients with a particular condition, to using diagnostics, genomics, data analytics and other technologies to identify the underlying cause of disease. He told NHS England's Board this was the way to ensure the right patient gets the right treatment at the right time.

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The NHS five year forward view: one year on  - the Kings Fund

It's a year since the publication of the NHS five year forward view, which outlines how NHS services must change to move towards the care models required for the future.

The Kings Fund's Chris Ham's blog below reflects on how the new care models are developing and you can catch up with highlights from the Kings Fund recent event on multi-specialty community providers.

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NHS England's Annual General Meeting: The NHS Five Year Forward View one year on

This year's NHS England Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place on 21 October. One year on from the launch of the Five Year Forward View, the event discussed progress made over the last 12 months towards delivering on our shared plan for better health, more personalised care, and a financially sustainable health service. It also provided the opportunity to hear about some of the new initiatives the NHS is working on and how it plans to address future challenges. Watch the NHS England AGM video on the NHS England website. The AGM generated a number of questions, answers to which will be posted on the website soon.

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Health Secretary outlines measures for greater patient power

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has outlined plans "for the most patient-focused NHS culture ever".
From next year, for the first time, new 'Ofsted style' ratings will show patients how their local area's health service is performing in crucial areas, including:

  • cancer
  • dementia
  • diabetes
  • mental health
  • learning disabilities
  • maternity care

The new ratings, broken down by Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), will not only be based on local data but will also be verified by experts in each field, including:

  • the Chief Executive of Cancer Research UK, Harpal Kumar, who will verify cancer ratings
  • the government's Mental Health Taskforce Chairman Paul Farmer, who will lead on mental health ratings

Initial ratings, based on the current CCG assessments, will be published in June 2016. As part of the government's transparency agenda, this will both spread best practice and help bring about improvement where services are underperforming. This will create a complete picture of care quality in the NHS.

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Update on the Primary Care Transformation Fund

Earlier this year, the first GP practices had bids supported in principle for investment for the period 2015/16 from the £1 billion four-year Primary Care Transformation (formerly Infrastructure) Fund. The majority have focused on much needed improvements in access to clinical services by extending existing GP premises. These bids are subject to formal approval against a range of technical criteria.

From 2016/17, Clinical Commissioning Groups will lead proposals for how funding should be invested in future years in line with their broader plans for delivering improved, joined up out-of-hospital services. Proposals will need to demonstrate how they increase capacity for clinical services and deliver a wider range of services out of hospital.

To read more, visit the NHS England website 

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Quick Guides to get ready for winter

NHS England and partners have published six Quick Guides aims to bring clarity on how best to work with the care sector. Got a hospital discharge problem? Want to find out how Leicester has achieved a 60 per cent reduction in care home admission costs? Want to finally break down the myths around sharing patient information and assessments? Want to use other people's ideas and resources?

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Five issues to be discussed at NHS Citizens' Assembly – 25 November 2015

NHS Citizen is a national programme to give the public a say on healthcare matters and influence the NHS. The Citizens' Jury have chosen the five issues they feel should go forward at the NHS Citizens' Assembly next month. They are:

  • support for people with dementia post-diagnosis;
  • comprehensive psychosocial approaches to mental health;
  • preventing premature deaths;
  • improving health outcomes for looked-after children and young people; and
  • transparency in Clinical Commissioning Group decision-making.

The Assembly, to be held at London Excel, will bring senior NHS England leaders together with citizens to deliberate health and well-being issues. It will be an interactive session with participants encouraged to contribute to discussions and work together collaboratively.

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NHS England & Public Health England  - Health Inequalities Webinar series

Please make a note in your diary to join NHS England and Public Health England for the first of their Health Inequalities focused webinars. 

The first webinar will take place at 12.30pm on Thursday 10th December.
The aim of the webinars is to share with colleagues practical examples on action to reduce
health inequalities.

This webinar will be hosted by Vittoria Polito from Public Health England and a guest speaker from a Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The webinar includes presentations on the Atlas of Variations, and the Commissioning for Value Packs/Pathways from the CCG perspective with time for questions and comments.

To register your interest click here

Or, for more information email including 'Webinar' in the subject

LVSC will support NHS England's Equality & Health Inequalities Unit (Commissioning Strategy Directorate), to help ensure that the VCSE is included when the programme is being developed.

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Information & resources

Migraine: Supporting children, young people and their families

Migraine Action offer support to all those affected by this misunderstood neurological condition. They offer a friendly confidential helpline and a wealth of information for managing the condition.

In the UK alone, 1 in 10 young people suffer with migraine and they hope to work closely with organisations in the North-East to raise awareness and circulate their 'Ride the Lightning' guides  for children, young people and families.

Get in touch today for free physical copies delivered directly to your organisation on

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Breathe Arts Health Research Recognised by Lambeth NHS with Prestigious Innovation Award

Breathe is a spinout from Guy's and St Thomas' Performing Arts. They design creative approaches to healthcare that improve health outcomes for patients, staff and communities.

Breathe recently received their recent NHS Award for "Innovation in Lambeth". The organisation which uses the arts as a basis for pioneering healthcare programmes, is pleased to announce it has won the inaugural "Innovation in Lambeth" prize at the borough's NHS Clinical Commissioning Group's recent Lammy Awards.

Andrew Eyres, Chief Officer, NHS Lambeth Clinical Commissioning Group said:
 "The Lammy Awards were created by Lambeth to recognise the provision of exceptional healthcare services in the borough. In this Innovation category, we asked organisations to demonstrate they were using ground-breaking techniques to transform the care and support provided. We are delighted to recognise the work of Breathe who are making a huge difference across the many fields in which they work."
Read more about their flagship programme is Breathe Magic, where patients learn a range of specially chosen magic tricks and performance skills designed to provide therapeutic benefits.

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Building Better Opportunities: second tranche of projects now open

The Big Lottery Fund have now launched the second round of their Building Better Opportunities programme. This round includes 61 new funding opportunities across 18 LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) areas.

Details of the projects now open for applications can be found on here.

In London the projects now open for funding are:

Common Mental Health covering the following geographic areas

  • North and East (IPS)
  • Central (IPS)
  • West London (IPS)
  • West London (Psycho Ed)
  • South (IPS)

Refugees covering the following geographic areas

  • North and East
  • Central
  • West
  • South

Complex Needs/ SMD covering the following geographic areas

  • North, East and West
  • South and Central

The deadline for stage one applications is 12 noon Monday 30 November 2015.

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ABOUT REGIONAL VOICES This e bulletin is published monthly by LVSC as the London region member of Regional Voices.

Regional Voices Logo

Regional Voices champions the work of voluntary and community organisations to improve health, well-being and care, across England. Regional Voices is a partnership of nine regional networks. Together, we directly connect to over 25,000 voluntary and community organisations. Our coverage is broad, deep and well-established. Our vision is for a society where voluntary and community organisations are connected with decision-makers at all levels, able to influence policy and improve community health, care and well-being through better services.

Regional Voices partnership is hosted by Involve Yorkshire and Humber,Registered charity number 1127119   |   Company registration number 6752034

London Voluntary Service Council (LVSC)

Registered charity number 276886   |   Company registration number 1395546

We try to check all the information in this bulletin and the web sites it links to, but we cannot accept responsibility for the contents of the websites and articles or guarantee their validity. Links should not be taken as an endorsement of any kind.

Telephone: 020 7832 5830   |   Email:   |    Opt out of all LVSC mailings

Monday, 9 November 2015

PM: Time to end discrimination and finish the fight for real equality

PM: Time to end discrimination and finish the fight for real equality

The Prime Minister will announce that organisations will pledge to recruit on a ‘name blind’ basis to address discrimination.


·         under new agreement, names will not be visible on graduate recruitment applications, reducing potential discrimination

·         leading graduate employers from across the public and private sector commit to new scheme

·         this will include applicants to the Civil Service, Teach First, HSBC, Deloitte, Virgin Money, KPMG, BBC, NHS, learndirect and local government

Organisations from across the public and private sector, together responsible for employing 1.8 million people in the UK, signed up to the pledge to operate recruitment on ‘name blind’ basis to address discrimination, the Prime Minister announced at a Downing Street roundtable later today.

The roundtable included:

·         David Barnes, Managing Partner for Public Policy at Deloitte

·         Tanuj Kapilashrami, Head of Human Resources at HSBC

·         John Manzoni, Chief Executive Officer of the Civil Service

·         Simon Stevens, Chief Executive Officer of NHS England

·         Marianne Fallon, Partner and Head of Corporate Affairs at KPMG

·         James Purnell, BBC’s Director of Strategy and Digital

View a readout of the roundtable discussions and find out who attended the meeting.

The Prime Minister said:

I said in my conference speech that I want us to end discrimination and finish the fight for real equality in our country today. Today we are delivering on that commitment and extending opportunity to all.

If you’ve got the grades, the skills and the determination this government will ensure that you can succeed.

The announcement follows the Prime Minister’s speech to Conservative Party Conference, where he cited research showing that people with white-sounding names are nearly twice as likely to get job call-backs than people with ethnic-sounding names.

The Civil Service is today committing to introducing name-blind recruitment for all roles below Senior Civil Service (SCS) level. Other top graduate recruiters like KPMG, HSBC, Deloitte, Virgin Money, BBC, NHS, learndirect and local government are joining organisations like Teach First by committing to deliver name-blind applications for all graduate and apprenticeship level roles.

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) will be promoting the benefits of name-blind recruitment and will be working towards embedding this as standard through its training and development courses. This means the approach is likely to spread more widely throughout the private sector.

Chief Executive Officer of the Civil Service, John Manzoni:

I’m delighted to expand the Civil Service’s use of name-blind applications – not just for all graduate and apprenticeship level roles, but for many other external applications too.

It’s vital that the Civil Service takes a lead on this, and I’m confident that this important step will help us build an organisation that is even more talented, diverse and effective than it is today.

David Sproul, Senior Partner and Chief Executive of Deloitte, said:

At Deloitte, we are working hard to ensure that our talent pool is diverse and reflects the make-up of today’s society. We want to show that everyone can thrive, develop and succeed in our firm based on their talent, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or any other dimension that can be used to differentiate people from one another.

The introduction of name-blind recruitment processes and school and university-blind interviews will help prevent unconscious bias and ensure that job offers are made on the basis of potential – not ethnicity, gender or past personal circumstance.

James Darley, Executive Director, Graduate Recruitment, Teach First said:

Today’s pledge is a great day for graduates and employers across the country. I applaud the many leading organisations’ and the government’s efforts to ensure name-blind recruitment – something that Teach First has championed in its recruitment of new teachers for over 5 years.


Our Vision and Services

Our vision is of a society where no one should experience discrimination on the grounds of their mental health.

Mental health problems are extremely common across society, with one in four of us experiencing them in any year. Despite being so common, people from all communities will still experience discriminatory attitudes and behaviours that can prevent people from speaking out, seeking support and playing full and active roles in our communities. The impact of mental health stigma and discrimination will vary between communities as mental health has a cultural context that affects the way communities talk about the subject and engage with people who have mental health problems. In some cultures depression, for example, doesn't exist and in others an experience of a mental health problem can be attached to a sense of shame.

For the African and Caribbean communities a key issue is the overrepresentation of young African and Caribbean men in mental health services. Misconceptions and stereotypes have led to a perception that this group is more likely to pose a risk of violent behaviour and, as a result, they are more likely to be treated as inpatients and sectioned when compared to other groups. It is well documented that this has led to a fear of talking about mental health issues more openly and a fear of using mental health services. Research by the Race Equality Foundation (2011) also highlighted fears that discrimination against Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) communities and migrant service users will increase in the austerity climate and whilst commissioning arrangements change.

Our Services

· Provide information, advice, advocacy

· Represent diversity communities in Health Care services, policies and strategies

· Organise training in health and social care in collaboration with local colleges

· Provide human resources ( including interpreters) who are suitable to the diversity communities especially to break language and cultural barriers

· Provides domiciliary care and support

· Provide services such specialised support for people with mental health needs, including people who suffer from short-term memory problems, Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.

· Provide visits to elderly people and help them with outings and home services

· Participate in local authority and NHS consultations , research events and programmes to voice the needs of diversity communities.

· Increase access to services and rights for disadvantaged people and the most vulnerable of our society

· Help and support unemployed people to look for work, including training and job preparation

· Provide legal advice in a range of issues from on Immigration and Asylum , welfare benefits, housing, health, education, community care, and training, employment, etc.

· Provide advice and guidance, information and practical help so that our service users can access opportunities they are entitled to

· Organise training and other community learning opportunities that provide new skills, increase confidence and motivation

· Support our service users to overcome barriers to learning, employment and training

· Provide support for young people with their education, training, confidence building, employment and social needs.

Objectives of our Diversity Living Programme:

· To promote the inclusion and participation of diversity communities* in integrated care.

· To inform policy, locally and nationally, and assisting in the formulation of effective policies, strategies and good practices in integrated care in order to contribute to improved health outcomes for the people from the diversity communities (e.g. Black and minority ethnic communities) and to ensure health services are able to meet their specific needs.

· To improve the quality of life for diversity people with disability, mental health problems and their families and carers through integrated care by providing inclusive advocacy and information.

· To provide service that enable diversity groups and individuals with disability /elderly and their carers to make the right choice for themselves and have an influence on decisions made about their future.

· To promote the rights of diversity people with disability, their families and carers and make sure their rights are safe and protected.

· To promoting access to information regarding healthcare issues and to raise awareness of the needs of diversity disabled children, young people, older people and their families.

· To promote the rights of older and disabled diversity people, helping them overcome and enable them to participate in decisions about their future

· To provide support and information to those suffering the isolation and loneliness that can be associated with disability and old age

· To fight against mental health stigma in refugee, black and minority ethnic communities and ensure no one should experience discrimination on the grounds of their mental health or disability.

*Diversity communities are older people, disabled people, Black, Asian, refugees, migrants, asylum seekers and other ethnic minorities.